Friday, November 21, 2008

Dr's Advice

I called the pediatrician yesterday to ask them what to do. Their advice: Do not feed her at night when she wakes up, just give her the pacifier, rock her, anything to soothe her, but do not feed her. This will only get her into a habit of eating at night. (I agree with this, but at 1 in the morning, I just want her to be quiet. I know that sounds harsh, but I am tired too.) Also, they said do not feed any more cereal, she is obviously not ready if she is still pushing it out with her tongue. We should try again in a week or two. And do not increase the amount in her bottles, or feed her more frequently. I thought this woman was CRAZY. I wanted to tell her she could come over and deal with the cranky baby who only cried.

So last night, DH attempted to feed her some cereal. Again, all over her, none in the mouth. Then we rocked her and held her, until about 7 and fed her ht bottle. We did put a new outfit on last night for her to sleep in. It was a fleece outfit instead of just cotton. We have had some chilly nights here the last couple of nights. And by golly, she slept until 2, and then just chatted. I got up, went to the restroom and got ready to go in there, when I came out, she was back asleep. (And no, I was not in there very long at all.) She woke up again at 3, and chatted for a little while, then eventually went back to sleep. She did this again at 4, and this time, she did not stop. I went in there, and scooped her up, changed her diaper, and we went and laid on the couch. When DH got ready to leave at 5:15, we got up and I fed her a little bit. She did not even finish the entire bottle before going back to sleep. And she slept until 6:30.

So overall I would call it success. We will see how she does over the next couple of days. I do think she is teething. We also put some ora.jel on her gums to see if that would help. So, maybe a combo of the ora.jel and the thicker nighttime outfit made a difference. I guess we will see.

Thanks for all you help!


Kelly said...

I found that whenever my kids' sleep routines were really disrupted, it was a growth spurt. Although it seems miserable, it does pass. The most important thing you can do right now is try to get her to fall back asleep without you. I know it's hard to hear her cry, but always give it a minute or two before you rush in. Most of the time, mine fell right back asleep. Just my 2 cents' worth. Good luck with your beautiful girl!

AwkwardMoments said...

Sounds like a very successful night. Congrats