Ivy went to the potty!!!
Yesterday was her 3rd day in the 2 yr old room at "school". When I picked her up, she had a star on her paper that said she went to the potty. Well, she has been "going to the potty" for a several weeks now. She never does anything when we get there. But she yells that she has to go potty, and will go into the bathroom, pull her pants down, and take her diaper off. Nothing has ever been produced though.
So, to say I was skeptical about the fact that she had ACTUALLY done something was an understatement. I asked the teacher this morning if she had actually done anything, and she had. Ivy actually went pee in the potty!!! The teacher said the did the hand clap song and got gummy bears. Well, who wouldn't go to the potty for that.
So, the teacher said she was going to try some pull ups today with Ivy and see what happens. Oh my, I would be so excited to get her out of diapers before the new baby comes.
My sweet girl also will tell daddy and I "bless you" when we sneeze. No one else though. Its a work in progress.