Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Per my sister

Hopefully some pictures will hold her over.

Me and my girls in a box.

Ivy has done her own makeup. Doesn't she look FABULOUS!

Yesterday, Ada had tubes put in her ears. The first picture is when we first put on her gown.

After waiting for the doctor for 45 minutes. That is a thermometer strip on her head.

The "surgery" went ok. It was definitely harder on me than it was her. Randy stayed home with her all day and I think it was rough. She was pretty fussy. But, just as always, when the other parent gets home, she is fine. She slept all night. Hopefully this will help with the infections.

Another side note, she took 7 - 8 steps at one time, several different times on Saturday, but nothing really since then.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today is just the beginning

As of tonight, we are the proud owners of a minivan.

Yeah for more room to messy up!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011


We started saying mama on June 18th. Yeah!!!

It is now fine to resume saying dada.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Just so I don't forget

Ada's top two front teeth came in simultaneously on 6/15/11.

One day I will get a baby book for Ada and write things in it.

I promise.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More firsts before I forget

I still need to get a book for Ada that has a tooth chart.

The bottom right tooth came in Saturday, May 21st. The top left is about to poke through as well.

When we went to pick Ada up at school during naptime last week, she was on her tummy. I asked the lady if they laid her down like that, and they said no, she flips herself over. Hmmm, I have never seen her do this.

Well, sure enough, after I put Ivy down, I went to check on Ada, and she was on her belly. Being the paranoid mother that I am, I flipped her over. She must be a good sleeper, because she never woke up and let's just say it wasn't a smooth flipping over either.

I never had to worry about this with Ivy. She was always in the same exact position I left her in, up until about 9 1/2 months old when she started sitting herself up in the crib.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Oh my, before I forget to write it down, b/c at this point, I still don't have a baby book for Ada.

She said dada for the first time on 5/2. Yes, I know, over a week ago.

She now has her first tooth. It is on the bottom left. It has just barely poked through the tiniest little bit.

Ivy wore big girl pan.ties for the first time all night last night. No accidents or anything. We will see what kind of trend this becomes. Hopefully a good one!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6 months old

20 days ago. But we are just now having our 6 month visit.

So, here are a couple of pictures from this morning. The self portrait of the 3 of us tells the story. Randy says I look a little frazzled. I wonder why?

And our experience with the Easter Bunny. I told Ivy she could get candy from the Easter Bunny's basket, but she had to get close enough to pick out the candy. That was as close as she would get, hence the picture.

And bless that little teenagers heart (this was at Pizza Inn). I don't think he had ever held a baby before. I guess I just wanted a picture, he would figure out how to hold her. And he did good.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The things this kid does

cracks me up!!

Today we were at a restaurant eating lunch, and they had music playing. SOme of it was 80's music. I had just told my husband how loud it seemed. (I think I am getting old.) And this is what followed:

Ivy: I need to get down mommy (out of the booth)

Me: Why?

Ivy: Because I need to dance.

Me: Well, ok, have at it.

And I tell you, she proceeded to dance her little heart out in the middle of the restaurant without a care in the world.

And today marked the infamous beginning of WHY. Why, why, why. That is all I heard this morning. Never have we had this before. I was dreading it. I was secretly hoping we had missed this stage. But alas, we are not that lucky. I tried to be a good mom and give good reasonable answer. But never fail, she wore me down and I ended several sessions with "Because I said so".

And starting early, with never to be shown up by her sister, Ada had her own first yesterday. She rolled from her back to her stomach. I never did see Ivy doing this, or at least remembering it, so I thought this was huge.

Ada is also sitting up pretty good. I put a bo.ppy kind of thing behind her just in case.

She also decided while she was on her stomach yesterday to skooch (I have NO idea how to spell that word, so I spelled it how it sounded.) her butt up in the air and attempt to propel herself.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot until I looked at the pictures, Ada also put her foot in her mouth for the first time.

We leave you with some pictures of our recent outings.

Mommy and Me exercise time

And this next one is just because there seems to be a theme

Why is it there are two pictures of my backside? Surely, I have a better side.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Starting to talk

Last night was a rough one. Ada fell asleep early without eating all of her last bottle. She was up again at 10:30 screaming at the top of her lungs. This is so uncharacteristic of her. Normally, once she is down at 7:30, she is down for good, and you never hear a peep out of her. You almost wouldn't know she is in there.

I gave her a little bit of food and she went back to sleep. Again at 1:30, she started screaming again. Not just little yells, full on wailing and sreeching.

So, we gave her gas drops, more food, and she was pretty warm, so to top everything off, I gave her some Mo.trin. After that, she woke up this morning like nothing was wrong.

I give all of the background for the fact that I think it was one of those "baby is going to have some sort of development leap, growth spurt" nights.

Tonight while she was on the changing table, she started to make real word sounds, not just babbling. It sounded very close to dadadada, and boy did she have a lot to talk about. So we may be close to our first words.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time is flying

Ivy says some of the craziest things. I need to write them down everyday, b/c everyday she comes up with something new.

The other day I was sitting on the couch feeding Ada and Ivy says, OMG mommy. I said excuse me honey. And again she says OMG mommy. Hmmm. SOmeone around this house must say this too much.

But here is what we have been up to:

Our first trip to gymnastics. We will sign up for this after Randy's hand gets better.

They both have on purple monkey pajamas. Dressing alike is not just for Christmas.

She looks so grown up in this picture. I love the smile and the hair. She was backing up to hide from me.

Both kids smiling. Both kids looking at the camera. All in one picture. JACKPOT!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who do you think she learns this from?

Do you think I should turn her around?

And if you take a picture of the baby, you better be prepared to take one of the big sister. And no, I did not have her pose. It took me a minute to figure out what she was doing (being just like her baby sister).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

Yeah Ada! She rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time!