Baby girl has been sleeping through the night every night since Sept 14th. Now ever since she has gotten sick, I think she has only slept through the night once. She would most of the time wake up because she had pooped EVERYWHERE and did not like it. But who can blame her? Anyways, we have been working on getting her back into a routine where she goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and gets up anywhere from 5 to 6.
So, now she has gotten a cold. Runny nose, Stuffed up nose, snot bubbles. I am waiting on "the big one". You know the sneeze, that causes the snot bubbles, that causes the coughing, that causes the explosive diarrhea. That to me just sounds like fun to clean up!
So baby girl has finally gotten back to eating normal. She normally eats 5 - 6 ozs in the morning before school and then 3 6 oz bottles at school, and then another bottle before bed. Well, so much for that last night. My little piggy ate 6 ozs before school. Her 3 bottles at school. And her regular 6 oz bottle before bed. So I was thinking woohoo, we are going to get an entire nights sleep. Why must my sweet, sweet daughter prove me wrong? I continue to think she thinks this is a game. She woke up just before midnight. I thought it was her nose. She would not go back to sleep. DH asked if he could fix her a bottle, I said, she can't possibly be hungry, she just ate. So after an hour, he asked again. I said sure, I will prove to you that she is not hungry. He only fixed her 2 ozs, and then went back to bed. She finished that, so I fixed her another 2 ozs. She finished that. At this point, I am dreading the poop that will be coming out after all this food. She was STILL hungry, so I fixed her another 2 ozs. She finished this and drifted off to dreamland (FINALLY!!). I did not think she was ever going to go back to sleep.
So today, she gets 7 oz bottles at daycare. We will see how she does with those. We are still not doing rice cereal. She still pushes it out with her tongue, so I just don't think she is ready yet. Plus, I am waiting for the diarrhea to go away, and make sure it isn't the rice cereal that is causing it. Has anyone else had this problem?