This is probably nost such a big deal for most people, but for us it is a HUGE deal. This is the first time in her entire life, she has ever been in a different position than on her back in the crib. Last night, she did flip herself onto her belly for the first time ever as well.
I have a feeling we are in for trouble over the next few weeks.
I looked at your last post.. What in the world is THAT invention ... and When it that ever helpful?
YEAH! Go girl. She will be learning to pull herself up on those rails very soon.
Our Little Princess is growing so fast! It was so great to play with her and help with her crawling...
she is beautiful!!!Her smile will stop a train!So watch out!
I can see her now in all the nooks and crannys of the house...Wiggles will see no peace now! And will share his food-as soon as Ivy finds the bowls...and she will!
You're definitely in trouble, now! She'll have that mobile pulled down in no time!
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