This is an outfit her Aunt C bought and mailed to her. She was telling her daddy how much she liked the outfit, but he said it showed too much skin. Guess who won in the end?
This week we had our first real bath. We could not figure out how to do it in the sink, so Mommy just got in the bath tub with baby girl. It went good. She did not cry near as much as we thought she was going to. We also tried to lotion that is supposed to calm them down and help them sleep. Whatever. I was worried that she was going to poop in the tub, but she didn't. She did however pee. Good thing we were on the way out.
I have determined at this point, that we just have a noisy baby. She is just a grunter. Like my mom said, her grunting just seems so loud at night, because there is no other noise. Again this morning I gave up after an hour and a half of the grunting and put her on my chest, and we went to sleep. I try not to do this, but I just want to sleep sometimes. My DH was so sweet on Friday night, that he did all the night time feedings and let me sleep until 5:30. It was wonderful! He is wonderful!
I took this picture yesterday. Such a rough life she leads!
i have put MT on my chest in my bed too many times to count .... We have a noise maker as well . He grunts, makes geese honking noises, sighs, etc.
Congrats on the bah - Good luck to you figuring everything out.
OH!!! My Kacey grunts all the time too!!! She is getting better now though and has longer stretches of quiet sleep. Hang in there, it gets better!
What a doll! I believe she is beginning to be a ham for the camera!
that's ok by me! just send them to me!
I can remember when my 3 were babies, and it was so hard not to pick them up all the time,or to sit and just hold them even when they were asleep!
I think it is a Baker trait for the grunting and other sounds when sleeping...our babes went to their own room in a couple of weeks after birth due to noise....
keep the pics coming!
Ivy is the greatest!
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