Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Due Date!

Today is baby girl's original due date. WOW! I can not imagine still being pregnant at this time. I am SOOOO glad she is here with us and has been for a while.

We are still having issues with the gas and abdominal pains. For the last two days she has started screaming and looks like she is in so much pain. Last night, she reached a new level of shrilling. It was awful. And this was after we had started feeding her. We have quit giving her breast milk (yes, I am still pumping), but she is solely on soy formula at this point. And we have been giving her gas drops at every feeding. The nurse said we should notice a change in a week. I am hoping it does not take that long. After the week trial period, if she is better, we may reintroduce the breast milk a little at a time. If that is causing the problems, then we will quit. It is not worth watching my child squirm and groan and scream just to give her antibodies. I just can't do it.

The doctor said we may have been feeding her to much as well. So, she is now on a 3 ozs every three hours schedule. It is not too bad at night, b/c I have been able to get her back in the bassinet after a late-night / early morning feeding without her really even waking up.

We were at the big baby store last night, and there was a couple behind us whose baby was one day younger than ours. The woman asked if baby girl was sleeping through the night, and I just said "no (with a look of I wish!). She said, "ours isn't either". Well good. Dare you ask me that if yours was. I don't like people who brag. Although I am sure if my dear sweet princess was sleeping through the night, I would tell anyone who would listen.


jbmmommy said...

My little girl was 11 months yesterday and she's slept through the night twice. Ever. Hope yours gets the hang of it sooner than that.

She is adorable! Hope the gas problem is worked out soon. We had some luck with doing the bicycle motion with the kids legs, but I know that doesn't always help.

AwkwardMoments said...

Good luck with the new formula - You are right - anything that helps is best! I am thinking of you and baby girl! Wishing it better soon!

Anns said...

What's sleep?

Hope the gas medicine works - did you get Mylicon? I've also successfully been using something called "Gripe Water" from Buy Buy Baby. The brand is Baby's Bliss and it's a Grape Seed/Fennel clear liquid that helps calm fussy babies. You should try it if all else fails.

Good luck!