Thursday, July 31, 2008


The other day, my mom and I watched my nephew and baby girl. I could NOT have handled this by myself, so I wrangled in my mom. 2 year olds want to play constantly! Not that that is a bad thing, it is just hard with an infant to watch at the same time.

So anyways, he adores her. He loves helping us take care of her. While someone is feeding her, he will come and hold the end of the bottle to help feed her. He also is waiting for his chance to help suction her nose out. He will bring the bulb syringe to you and point it at baby girl and say use this on her (in so many words).

They also love to stick things in other things. He took the battery cover off of the remote and stuck the end of the bulb syringe into a hole in the back of the remote. And to watch him do this is funny. When he is trying to figure something out, he is so intent on getting it done.

Here are a couple of pictures from the other day. I just love how they look at each other.


AwkwardMoments said...

this is why people with 2 or more are super heros to me!

they look like alot of fun though!

Anonymous said...

how darling they both are!!
It is very brave to babysit with a two year old and a month old...
but I am glad to hear Nana could do it! I guess us Nanas are just tough that way!
