Saturday, August 2, 2008

6 Weeks already?

Are you kidding me? Have I really been out of work that long? Sure doesn't seem like it. I have one more full week off, and then I will work part time for a week or two, and then hit it full force again. Already, I dread the thought of tax season and working so much more and missing baby girl. Maybe we can work on those hours so we can do more work at home, and less in the office. Baby girl will have to learn to sleep in a more predictable pattern though if I plan to get any work done at home. And that is still 5 months away, so things are looking up. Who knows.

Baby girl slept in her crib yesterday for 2 hours until sweet daddy decided to come home and "accidentally" slam the back door shut. Of course it woke her up. But he picked her up (he can resist her when he he gets home) and they laid together for a little while, then he put her back in her crib. It didn't last long though, b/c she was hungry. She slept in there last night as well between the first late night feedings, but not after the second one. I think it is a good start. She has lately decided that sleeping is not for her. She takes cat naps during the day for 10 - 20 mins at a time.

I feel like we need to get her in some sort of a routine so that when we take her to daycare, we can say, this is her schedule. But for now, it is, she sleeps when she sleeps, and eats when she is hungry.

Anyways, here are some 6 week pictures.


AwkwardMoments said...

MT will be 8 weeks tues. We are doing the same thing .. I tried to force a schedule and it involved alot of crying (me not him) so i gave up

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem like we have had Beautiful Ivy for six weeks!
what a doll!
oh, her parents are special too!

It is hard to train a child to sleep in her own crib, becomes a matter of her will against yours...and one parent will always be the softie who gives in to her demands!...and for a little girl- it is Daddy...

love ya

nickoletta100 said...

OH! Love that rainbow dress, soooo cute!