Friday, August 8, 2008

Mish mash of post

I had my six week appt the other day. Everything was fine. I had lost 27 lbs. with still at least 15 to go. Twenty would put me back at pre-pregnancy weight. I doubt that will ever happen.

I was saying the other day how my nephew loves to help take care of baby girl, well last night he was here, and she kept spitting out her pacifier, he sat there and continuously put it back in for her. It was so funny. He kept telling me over and over, she keeps spitting it out. I finally had to tell him, maybe she just didn't want it anymore. He was so determined that she keep it though.

I am so mad at the insurance company. They paid for the entire birth and everything for baby girl and I. Just the hospital stay and things associated with it for the two of us was about $17K. Now, I wanted to get an IUC ( and they will not pay the $700 for it. Is that not crazy? Would they rather pay another $17K? Very irritating.

Have you all seen the commercial for the hoover.round that shows the two older ladies at the grand canyon? They appear to be no more than 10 - 15 feet away from the edge of a giant cliff. There is no way in the world I would walk that close to the edge, let alone drive a scooter over there.

And last but not least, baby girl and I will compete in our first 5K together this weekend. Nana is going to make her a special onesie to celebrate it. We will have to get a family picture for the event. I am hoping by starting her early she will have no problems riding in the stroller for all of our upcoming races. And they she can start to run on her own.

I will post her 7 week old pictures later today or tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

insurance companies are so crazy!
you really look like you are back at "pre-birth" weight!-lean,mean!
love ya