I had a shower at work on Thursday. It was wonderful. I got bibs, onesies, socks, washcloths, the cutest baby book (with animals just like the baby's room), a tummy mat, a bag, all kinds of stuff. As a group, they also gave us a pack in play. So, baby girl now has somewhere to sleep when she gets here. (We will discuss that in a minute.) Here are a couple of pictures.
Thursday night we had breastfeeding class. It was good. We learned a couple of different holds, and about the proper latch. I had no idea that the nipple goes into the baby's mouth about the same distance as to the second joint on you finger. Crazy huh? Was I the only one who did not know that? I thought it would choke them, but I guess not. That apparently is the only way to get proper sucking.
Yesterday, we had our Child.birth prep class. It was supposed to last 9 to 5, but how thrilled were we when we got out about 3:45. I think we learned a lot during that class. She also gave us a nice size book to go through as well. As if we did not have enough to do in our spare time now. There is apparently one female doctor in my area who has an 85% rate of no episiot.omies. She works very hard with the woman during labor to avoid them at all cost. Do I think it is too late to switch doctors now? No, b/c i really don't like the ones I have seen yet. I despise the thought of some of those doctors delivering my baby. Well, at least at that point I can yell at them and have an excuse!
After the class, we went to wal.mart. Again, this may be TMI, but it is my blog. There will probably be a lot of that on here in the future. Go to the bathroom, and there was mucous on the tp. I almost freaked out. We had JUST left childbirth class, and I could not for the life of me, remember what this meant, except for the fact it happens close to labor (I was thinking a couple of days). Not really where I want to be at this point. So, I "calmy" come out and tell my DH. Boy is he good, he does not panic one bit. I am really not sure if he believed me or not. But he is fine, asks me other questions if I am having any other symptoms, and acts like it is no big deal. So, what else does a panicing (sp?) do? I call my mother. She has the same thought I had, this is WAY to early, we are NOT ready for baby girl to be here yet. Her suggestion is to call the nurse. Nurse calls back and says it can happen anywhere from a day to a few weeks before. She has only had one case where it was within a day of labor. Ok, I am feeling much better about the few weeks. That I can handle. So, we go on about our business. We get in the car, and I immediately pick up the child.birth book. It gives a timeline of a few hours to a week. WHAT!!!?????!!! Are you kidding me? Can I not get an answer that is consistent? Oh yeah, this is child.birth, nothing is consistent. I guess we will see what happens.
You maybe wondering have a done anything since then to get ready "just in case". ANd the answer would be no. Are you kidding me? I am going to pretend it did not happen, and be more shocked than ever when that time really does come. I have to much work left to do, before she gets here. We do not have a mattress. We have not washed any clothes. For heavens sakes, we don't even have a car seat yet. And I have not packed a bag for the hospital. And that is just the short list.
Oh, yes..the time is drawing nearer...It doesn't take long to wash and fold the little clothes and bedding-even if she has to sleep in a box without a mattress....
DH maybe will stay cool and collected....but, his Dear Ole Dad,,was so excited when the time came, he rushed out to the car and started it, was blowing the horn for me to come on, and yelled when I did wobble onto the porch, not to forget the suitcase...he also called the doctor (he thought) when I told him the time is NOW-but had dialed the wrong number and was yelling at whomever ,"you had better be at the hospital when we get there!" then when I dialed the correct number,he was humbled and said he hoped some maniac that he yelled at wouldn't be there,too.
so hang in there ,
out of curiosity was hte mucis looking more like .. well .. mucous.. or did it have any pink/red.bloody resemblence?
I am glad that you had a shower and got good gets! As far as all my education classes have gone, there are no alike birthing stories, non consistant what so ever. Take it easy.
You're on the home stretch now...deep breath...even if your plug coming out is a sign that you're days instead of a weeks away, you still have a bit of time to get your to-do list done (or delegate it to hubby) and get ready for kiddo. Keep us posted!
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