Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Misc stuff

... To people in my real life, please don't ever mention these things to me. If I want to talk about it, I will. Thanks and love to you all!

I had my appt on Monday. That morning it seemed baby girl had not been moving very much at all. Before, she had particular times, when I knew she would be awake. Well, apprarently, she did not like that schedule. I even had my decaf cappachino to try and get her to move some more. No help. So I get to the office. And the first thing the doctor says, "She is measuring small. About 31 weeks." Cue freak out on my part. Then we listen to the heartbeat. 140 bpm. She has always been around 155 - 160. And considering she had had caffeine a couple of hours before, you would have thought it would have been higher. So, everything together sent me into a downward tailspin. I had many questions I wanted to ask, but couldn't b/c I just wanted to get out of there before I started crying. The dr kept telling me everything was fine, and just b/c one appt was off, doesn't mean anything. And all dr's measure differently. So, I just have been paying close attention to her lately and wondering what she is doing.

We had our "Caring for b.aby" class Monday night. It was fine. Lots of little snip its about a lot of info. Not too much detail on any one subject. DH changed his "first" diaper. He did better than me, b/c I ripped the tap off of it. (In my defense, the diaper had been used approx 1 gazillion times before I got to it.)

We have our breast.feeding class tomorrow. DH is VERY excited about this one. (not really) I found this sentence on one of my weekly update sites: "Just be prepared for the complete and total stranger manhandling your boobie in the hospital." Excuse me? I guess they have to help, but can't they do it with words, not actions.

I have had another revelation. Scary, I know. A month or so ago, I was worried about how in the world I would be awake enough to feed baby girl in the middle of the night. I would be so tired just getting up to go to the bathroom. Well, not so much anymore. It seems routine now and I could function pretty well between trips. I wish there was a way to calcualte how much actual sleep time a pregnant women gets the last couple of months. Between the bathroom, rolling over, and just trying to get comfortable in general, I bet it is not much. ALthough I am very aware it is going to get worse.

TMI - Stop reading now if you want to.

At every appt, they make you pee in a cup. Well, I have already said my arms appear to be shortening. Sometimes when you go, it doesn't always come out straight. The last two times I have been to the office, it seems to want to run backwards out of me. Do you know how hard that makes it to catch. Espcially when you can't see anything b/c of the belly in front of you. Frustrating to say the least.

In other pee stories - It is very annoying to think how bad you have to go to the bathroom, and you may be able to squeeze out a few drops. But then, 10 mins later, you are back in there again.


Suzanne said...

Baby girl isn't moving as much cause there isn't much room in there!!!!! She's squished. :) but in a good way. If the doctor isn't concerned, then you shouldn't be either. (But being the anal retentive obsessive compulsive girl that I am, I completely and totally understand why that would freak you out as it would have me too)

AwkwardMoments said...

Oh i have done the pee in a cup thing - actually the last appointment I cried in the bathroom because i missed all my pee all togehter because of expanding belly shortening arms.

ANd i second hte pee trips and thinking you have to go only to find you can only do 2 drops.

I am thinking of you and baby girl

Anonymous said...

oh the wonders of pregnancy and motherhood...and to find it hasn't changed in more years than I want to remember!soon you will be trying to get Baby Girl to pee in the potty-and it is bigger than a cup!you will forget the specimen regime.As the birth gets ever nearer, you will find all sorts of amazing things your body is training you for,like getting up in the middle of the night,peeing often,going to sleep in a minute,etc..
you are going to be a Wonderful Mother!(and of course are having the world's greatest Baby Girl)-prejudiced I'm not.
hang in there!