We went to dinner last night with my mom and dad and sister and her husband. We talked some about my mom going into labor. I was the first of two. By the time my mom got to the hospital with me, she was already 7 cm, and I was here in 2 hours. And I have always been in a hurry since then. My sister was a different story. My sister took 14 hours. And has been on her own time schedule ever since. Funny how that works. I am hoping for something in between the two. I think the two hours would scare DH a little much. But I also don't want to be in labor in the hospital for 14 hours either. So of course after all the labor talk, I dream about going into labor.
It causes a momentary "Oh Sh**" moment. But let me backup some. I had been having more cramps since about 3 that afternoon. That evening before bed, I told my sweet DH, the gates-o-fluid had seemed to open, and that was just gross. I don't think there is anything I hate more than not being dry down there. I am sure a lot of people are the same way. So anyways, I go to bed, it is a restless night again. On what seemed to be the 5th trip to the bathroom, lots of mucous has made its appearance. This is about 3 this morning. I immediately think, ok, cramps, fluid, mucous, I better get my crap together NOW. I can only HOPE that baby girls thinks this is funny and all a game, b/c we are NOT ready for her to get here quite yet. So, I have now decided that tonight when I get home from work, the preparations begin. Don't ask me how they are going, b/c I will probably say, I haven't done anything yet. Oh well. One day we will pack a bag. It may just be before we are leaving to go to the hospital.
And I have decided if my water for some reason decides to break in public, I am going to think "Woohoo, lets get this show on the road!". If it does happen, ask me later if I was mortified. Probably. But we can all hope can't we?
Oh, Sweetie!
Get that bag packed, and the mattress in the crib!
your DH was a "sooner"...I had gone to the doctor ,at the ER,that fateful day, and he said-"we are moving along nicely,but have a while to go ,yet"..then I went home, the doc went to his diary farm....and a couple of hours later,your DH decided that Mothers Day would be a lovely gift to us for him to present himself...and he did! A very quick and easy exit- with the doc rushing in from diary farm-in smelly attire to deliver!
just remember-you are having a Baker - and you already know how unpredictable they are!
hang in there!
I continually have thoughts of my water breaking in public. Although its natural, it certainly makes me think about what I would say if my water broke in public.
well...here it is -June 20,2008, and is now 12;25am...
My dear Baby Girl has decided that today would be a great day to make herself seen! Nicole has been in labor for several hours,now...her water has broke, she has had an epidural...just awaiting Baby Girl's appearance.Randy is trying to stay cool and collected....they had decided to get "everything ready" this weekend....it looks like they still will!
our thoughts and prayers are ever present,as the birth of our grandaughter grow ever nearer---
may she be full of vim and vigor, and her dearest parents be full of peace and joy!
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