When I went for my massage whenever that was last time, the lady said my ankles looked swollen. So, being the numbers person that I am, I measured them. 21.5 cm. So, every now and then I would measure them again, to make sure they weren't swelling. Well, last night, no measuring was needed to see that they had. One had grown to 24 cm and the other 23.5. I had a roll of water retained skin hanging over my sock. Sad thing is, how did I not notice it earlier. This was just was before bed that I noticed it. Now in my ankles defense, I did have chick.fil.a. for dinner. Baby girl and I loved it! I am hoping that was the cause. The bad thing is, they did not go back to normal size overnight. The one is still more swollen than the other. And I even slept with my feet elevated (strict instructions by the husband).
My dear child is sitting so funny right now, I have a lump that sticks out up top, and then one over to the left side. She is obviously laying sideways, not just because of the lump over there, but because that is the only side that feels any action. I wonder if she will be one of those babies that favors sleeping with their bums stuck up in the air.
Time for pictures now, and not just of me! Yeah!
But first, me. This weeks weight, 153.8 (I am hoping some is water) and 40 1/2 inches. I have to confess my tape measure is only 40 inches long, so the extra is +or- some depending on how good I am at measuring. Not enough to care though.

And here are pictures of the animals we hung in baby girls room. We had to paint to paint these the right colors.

I have always thought you were on the skinny side...but now with a big belly and big ankles...you are looking like me! though I am sure yours will disappear after Baby Girl comes....
the pictures are great!all we need to add to the room is Baby!
you are looking good!
sorry for sending as "anonmyous" but everytime I write-it prompts me to reset password,etc.
Aren't you and baby girl SO cute. I totally see her up in your ribcage.
I hope your ankle swelling goes down
Aw your belly looks cute!! I had the swollen ankles too and they finally went away the day after I gave birth!!
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