Cathleen's room is coming along nicely now. The family painted 99% of it this past weekend. My dad is coming back on Saturday to finish trimming it out. I do have before pictures, and I will wait until we get some curtains or something up before I do after pictures. I know I have 17 weeks left, but I feel like it needs to be done now in case something happens. I am one of those that does not do well under pressure, and I want everything done before hand, no surprises.
I went to the doctor on Wednesday, Cathleen is doing great. Growing just as she should be (as best as someone can tell from measuring fundal height). My next appt will be in late April, and that is when the fun seems to begin. I get to do the glucose test, and have another Rhogam (sp?) shot. I can not begin to tell you how excited I am about that (read VERY sarcastically). Then I begin 2 week appts. Now that's a little scary.
My sister and nephew came over the other night to look at the room. I was watching my nephew and I had to go to the bathroom, so I took him in there with me. He shuts the door for me and then proceeds to go to the bath tub and turn the water on. How quickly they move! So we got that fixed, and he (at 22 mths) decides he wants to use the bathroom. He takes me in there, tries to lift the lid, and then looks at me. So, I decide I will throw him on there. Can't hurt can it? So I put him on there, and he has gas. He is grunting and pushing. I so sweetly ask him, "Is anything coming out?" And he just gives me this look and says, in such an upset voice "No". I think it is crazy to think if he doesn't know when to go yet, he at least knows what the potty is for. He did the same thing again last night. He just gets up there and has gas. But kudos to him for trying. L, he needs his own size potty. I can see my sister spending A LOT of time in the bath room now.
Sorry this was so long, I will try and do better next time!
looking good- I wish i had your motivation.. I need to get crackin on our crib and spare room/nursery situation
kudos to hte lil bathroom experience for your sister
you are looking great!
you will now be so busy with finishing the nursery, and the doctor visits...Cathleen will be here before you know it!
Alex is such a cutie!
I hope Cathleen potty training will start out as simple..
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