Todays weight: 136.2, 36.25 inches.
Today's random thought: Since my belly button is getting closer and closer to poking out, will everything that has been hiding way down deep in there, make an appearance also? Or will it happen so gradually, that by cleaning it often I will not notice it?
DH's race car is broke. The recently updated transmission is broken. He is very sad, as am I for him. It is going to a lot of work and money to fix everything, but this is the one thing he truly looks forward to (obviously of course other than the baby and myself).
Cathleen was VERY active yesterday morning, holding gymnastics in the belly. I think she was hungry, b/c right after I ate, she went back to sleep it seemed. I felt her do what I assume was a flip, but I felt it more with my hand than just inside me. It was 5 in the morning. Very strange feeling.
One last funny story from my sister: Last night she was giving her son a bath. He will be 2 in May. She was so excited that he has learned to sit in the bath and play by himself, while she plucks her eyebrows, 3 feet away. Then she notices that he is trying to hand her something. So she looks to see what it is he is so enthralled with. To her surprise, he was playing with his poop. I think he just wanted another bath, and that was a sure way to get it.
Oh my... does this mean I'm famous!?!
It's a girl!!! We are so excited for you! GIRLS are so much fun!!
~The Leek's
Cathleen will be a soccer player!
at least now, you are keeping her contained in one spot....let's talk about that in a couple of years-when she decides climbing is good!
Lissa is also reaping the joys of babies finding "things"...I don't know if finding a bug hanging out of a baby's mouth is any worse...
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