This weeks weight 140.2 and 37.5 inches. Yes, that's right, I gained 3 lbs in one week. I guess that is what happens when you figure out you like macaroni salad. I am not sure what it is about that stuff, but it is very good. I did look at the so called "nutritional information" and saw just how bad it was. So, I do limit myself to just a couple of spoonfuls, but I bet that is my downfall. But, back on schedule this week, with better eating. I guess at this point I need to realize, I do not want a 14 lb baby coming out down there, so I better watch what I eat. Plus, I would not eat this stuff if I wasn't pregnant, so why would I do it now.
I have determined that baby girl LOVES to hear me sing. She seems to be very active in the car when I sing. Poor thing, she doesn't realize it will only get worse once she gets out and there is no liquid barrier to muffle my wonderful singing voice.
I felt her kicking while standing up for the first time on Tuesday night. Normally it is only when I am sitting or lying down that I can feel it, but that night was the exception.
I have before pictures of her room, I hope to have some after pictures this weekend. We are planning to have everyone come help paint the room. For some reason I have a sneaking suspicion this little girl is going to be early. I don't know why. But it is there none the less.
Can anyone tell me how to change the background color of my page? Or tell me where I can find an "It's a girl" avatar?
Try not worry too much about the weight. As long as you don't go too crazy, you'll lose it. Enjoy the macaroni salad.
OH YAH for feeling kicks!
As for the background - look under the "layout" option there is "pick a new template tab
but you can find "it's a girl" codes at photobucket or flikr
Please. My Doc has berated me for my weight too but it's hard to control what you really want to eat versus what you should eat. You look fab, so enjoy your macaroni salad - and send me the recipe, I just got a craving!
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