Sunday, April 20, 2008

"She doesn't like me"

The other night we were sitting on the couch and baby girl was pretty active. Kicking and moving all around. Well her daddy decided to give her a zerbert. She did not like it very much. She completely quit moving for a few minutes. He then leaned down to my belly so he could talk to her and make her move again, and she kicked him in the nose. I thought it was very cute. His response was "She doesn't like me". I had to convince him that was her way of saying she recognized his voice.

We went Saturday and setup our registry and ordered our crib and stuff. It still doesn't seem real though. I have a feeling I am in for quite a shock once she is here.

Last night I decided we would check in on baby girl and listen to her squirm around and kick. Well her heartbeat has never been above 155 on our machine. Last night it was registering 175. I almost flipped out. I did cry. And call the nurse. And my mom. No necessarily in that order though. The nurse said that we should worry if it started dropping and that we were more than welcome to come to labor & delivery and they would set me up on a monitor. Well, that is the last place I want to be, right now. Maybe in several weeks, but not now. So, I told her we would keep a watch on it and come in if it did not come down. After about an hour, it was back down to normal. I know all of this probably sounds crazy, but it is amazing how much a little change can make me worry, that something is completely wrong, and we had registered for nothing, and it was all down hill from there. Yes, I know, very irrational, but still, that was MY thought process. Yes, somedays, I know I need help.

On the schedule for tonight: Birthing videos brought to us by our cable networks and the Discover.y Networ.k. My DH is SOOOOOO excited.


AwkwardMoments said...

I think that or thought processes are all quite normal - because we are honest about how we feel a nd are dealing with "all this stuff"

Sending you hugs!

jbmmommy said...

Sometimes technology and a little knowledge can be bad. We can look up things on the internet that make us worry about everything. She was probably just doing some gymnastics in there before you heard the heartbeat. Welcome to the worries of motherhood, though!