Monday, December 31, 2007

I hate being sick!

I have been sick now since Thursday. I can't tell if I think its
getting better, worse, or just not going anywhere. I know they say you
can take stuff for a cold, but I am just not willing to risk it. Plus,
it only gets rid of the symptoms, not the virus itself. So, for now, I
am going to suck it up and stick it out. Stay tuned to see how this
decision turns out.

Saturday we had the laziest day possible. I am not sure the last time Randy has experienced a day like that. I got up at 6 to eat, went back to bed at 8:30, got up at 11:00. And then laid on the couch until 5. I guess we should enjoy those kind of days b/c obviously onceMJ gets here, there will be none unless the grandparents are keeping him/her. But those days really aren't fun if you are sick.

I am one of those people who used to require so many hours of sleep in a
night. Well, it seems now, that was not necessarily true. But now my
excuse for going to bed so early is, b/c I know I will be awake for 1 -
2 hours during the night. Either I have to go to the bathroom, I am
hungry, or I just can not get comfortable. They say you are supposed to
sleep on your left side during pregnancy. And the earlier you start it,
the easier it will be. Well, I am a stomach sleeper, so I figured, I
better start trying this now. Well, let me be the first to tell you, it
sucks. Maybe this is why my mom sleeps on her side. I just can not do
it. I even had a dream last night of how comfortable I was sleeping on
my stomach with my legs folded up underneath me (just like a newborn
baby). I was so comfortable, until I realized I could be squashingMJ.

My appt is coming up on Friday. I am not sure really what they are going to do. I guess we will go over all my bloodwork from the last visit, I am sure I will have to pee in a cup again. Hopefully no more bloodwork though. I apparently have inherited the trait of the "rolling" veins, and I do not like it when they dig around in my around in my arm, "hoping" they will hit it. Hopefully they will listen for theHB. Although, it may still be to early, and will my other issues, I am not sure if
trying to find it and not finding it would be worse than just waiting until the next visit. But then that would be another 4 weeks, and that is just too long.

Randy's corner: It's now become a contest of who is the sickest. My husband thinks it is him. Why? This is his logic (remember he is an engineer): I have a two syllable sickness -Preg-nant. He has a five syllable sickness - A-cute - bron-chi-tis. So hten he does this little dance with his arms over his head waving in the air, ooooohhh, you're pregnant, whooo, I can do that. So, many of times have I contemplated having him incubate MJ for a while, just to see what he thinks. If anyone has come across research on this, plase let me know.

1 comment:

NanaB said...

you will soon pass the sickness, an after the baby comes, you and Randy will be so busy with him/her/them that you won't know what to do....and I am sure you won't get a two-word illness, and especially a five-word illness! Randy sounds like someone else I know...I wonder who?