Friday, February 1, 2008

Baby's heart beat sounds great!

Doctors appt was fine yesterday. We heard a very strong heartbeat on the fetal doppler. Their machine is obviously better than ours so we were able to hear both parts of the heartbeat, not just the strong beat. Baby is measuring 15 1/2 weeks which is right on schedule from the last ultrasound.

For this appt, we got to the office about 5 - 10 mins early. They took us straight back. Put us in the room and the lady did not tell me to change clothes. Hmm, I thought, I better ask. So I did. Then we find out today's appt will only be measuring me and listening to the heartbeat. So we had to wait 35 mins for a 10 min appt. At this point I tried to come up with questions because I wanted my wait times worth in doctor time. Not that I cared for this particular lady, but still. Randy asked her a question about cord blood banking, so for her answer, she spoke directly to me. Not once, that I remember, did she ever turn to him to talk. That just irritates me. DO you think he comes to these appts for fun? No. He, just as I, was under the assumption I was in for another pelvic exam, and he LOVES being in the room for those. SO, I just thought that was rude of her, just as if it had been the other way around (which it has before).

On the way down to have blood drawn for an alpha protein test (shows chances of spine defects I think), we were talking about having blood drawn and Randy pretends he is passing out. How in the world does he think he is going to handle a baby delivery? Maybe we should cover the floors in mattresses or something. Maybe he needs a doula.

We go on Feb 28th to find out if its Oscar, Oscaretta, Michael Jackson or Cathleen. We had the chance to make the appt on the 27th at 9 am, but that would again interfere with Randy getting to work for his meetings. So this time, we decided to do it in the afternoon, the next day. I have already warned him that at 9 on the 27th, I will be mad at him because we could have been seeing baby, but no, because we want to play nice, we have to wait another 18 hours. That will drive me crazy. But, if I recognize it now, maybe it won't be a big deal.

Hope everyone's doing well!


jbmmommy said...

I think about 90% of my appointments were five minutes or less. They seem like such a waste of time.

Anns said...

Oh I had one of those exciting appointments recently where you think you're going to get to see the baby and then they just listen to the heartbeat... soooooo disappointing.