Friday, January 25, 2008

New picture

For right now to look at the pictures, look on the left hand side of the screen at the list of posts, scroll down until it says "2007". Click on there. Now all of the 2007 posts will show on in the middle of the screen. You can just scroll down until you see baby belly. It has been updated through 14 weeks.


Suzanne said...

Wow! You are really showing. I think this is early for that. Huh. Lucky you!!! Have fun shopping for clothes. I know you LOOOOOOOOVe that!

Anns said...

By the way - wanted to get back to you on the poll feature I just added to my site. If you go to blogger and in the "help" enter "poll" it will guide you how to add one - it's actually quite simple.
